Finding Support

Loving someone with a substance use disorder can be isolating and overwhelming at times. You are not alone and this problem is not your fault. Talking to others who are experiencing similar challenges can be helpful. Alanon is one place to meet other who have addiction in their family. SMART Recovery also has Friends & Family meetings and uses a CRAFT informed approach. If you are a parent, you can also get CRAFT-informed phone support from a parent helper at the Parent Helpline, a free service of the Partnership for Drug Free Kids. If you are looking for a CRAFT therapist, try the Helping Families Help directory.

Becoming Informed

You can be a healthcare advocate for your loved one by becoming informed about Substance Use disorders, effective treatments, available resources to support recovery, and harm reduction for people who are not yet ready for sobriety.

STOP OVERDOSE - UW’s website to help stop opioid overdose death

MEDICAL INSURANCE - If your loved one is low income and not insured, help them sign up for Washington Apple Health (Medicaid). Children can now be insured under their parents insurance until the age of 26. Insurance is important for access to SUD and mental health treatment, as well as the higher incidence of co-morbid medical problems.

TREATMENT - Learn more about how medications for opioid use disorders help reduce mortality and increase the chance the patient stays in treatment and about the most effective behavioral treatments for SUD’s. Read through the Learn About Treatment website maintained by the University of Washington, WA State Health Care Authority, and Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery. 

YOUTH WHO USE FENTANYL/OPIOIDS - Visit the website and download the booklet for everything you need to head in the right direction, if you love a young person who is using opioids.

Staying Connected

Families are a protective factor for people with Substance Use Disorders and other mental health problems. Addiction strains relationships and breaks down health communication but finding ways to take care of your self while staying connected can be life saving. Learn about how to recognize your own boundaries and how to use positive communication in the book Beyond Addiction, or learn about taking care of yourself while being effective in your family interactions in the book The Borderline Personality Disorder Wellness Planner for Families.