How to show love and affection without rescuing or $pending
Often in CRAFT counseling, my clients have a goal to resist interfering with the natural consequences that their loved one is experiencing from their drug and alcohol use. One of the challenges is that these are usually very loving, generous, caring families and it can feel like they are withholding love and affection when they step back from rescuing their loved one from the latest crisis or trying to buy their way out of problems.
I found it very helpful over the years to ask my clients, "How else could you show love and affection without fixing her problems or buying him things?" The problem is that the most common response I would get to this question was, "What do you mean?"
In response, I eventually made a list just to get people thinking of their own answers to that question. It is very helpful to identify a few new ways to be your loving, affectionate self towards your loved one, even if you have decided that the old ways of showing your care is not working any longer (or maybe it never was working that well). As a bonus, if you are practicing CRAFT, you might refer to this list when thinking of rewards to use for encouraging healthy, sober, or treatment-seeking behaviors.
How you can show LOVE and AFFECTION…
…without fixing problems or buying things
1. Give a hug
2. Notice something that they did well
3. Give a complement
4. Ask for advice
5. Laugh at a tv show together
6. Express interest in their hobby
7. Give a shoulder rub
8. Smile across the table
9. Make their favorite dinner
10. Compliment their effort
11. Stand up for them
12. Send a card
13. Bring them a cup of coffee in the morning
14. Let them sleep in
15. Ask questions to try to understand better
16. Arrange a date night
17. Cuddle
18. Be genuinely curious
19. Tell them why you are proud of them
20. Invite them to a movie
21. Speak highly of them in front of someone else
22. Use an affectionate nickname
23. Brush their hair
24. Learn about their passion in something
25. Give them a foot rub
26. Reminisce together
27. Celebrate a milestone
28. Hold hands
29. Sign up for a class together
30. Book a vacation with them
31. Remind them of their strengths
32. Give your full attention
33. Be a cheerleader
34. Go on a walk and just listen
35. Invite them to try something new with you
36. Exercise together
37. Share a laugh
38. Make them a gift with your own hands
39. Slip in a sweet note in their pocket/purse/briefcase/backpack
40. Say “I love you”